


Not sure what the problem is with your car? Our mechanics will diagnose and solve any size of car problems.

General Repairs

We service all car repairs from issues with the cooling system to complex engine problems.

Wheels and Tires Repair

Whether you need brand new tires or simply want to repair damaged ones we have you covered.

Faster More Accurate More Convenient

Repair and Mantenance Services

Tire & Tire Repair

Good tires make you travel fast and safe

By properly aligning, rotating and inflating your tires, we will help you save on gas and future repairs that can be prevented. Triple Service Automotive will inspect for signs of excessive or irregular tire wear. We know precisely what your vehicle requires and we will make certain it is functioning optimally to deliver your piece of mind.

Oil Change, Lubrication & Other Fluids

Lubrication is the long life elixir of engines and mechanical parts

At Triple Service Automotive, we use high quality oils and lubricants that keep your engine clean and functioning at an optimum rate.

Air Conditioning & Heating Whether

Perfect air conditioning increases the pleasure of travelling

Your air conditioning system needs to be recharged to restore it to optimal efficiency or your heater core is leaking, we can handle any issue regarding climate control. Your vehicle’s climate control systems are crucial in not only your vehicle’s well-being, but your own.

Alignment, Steering & Suspension

The least friction. The maximum lightness

We align your wheels so that there is less resistance and friction from the road. Many people are unaware that when a vehicle’s wheels are not properly aligned, it has to work that much harder to operate and move. This results in more fuel being burned than necessary. In addition, there is more wear on the vehicle’s tires and strain on the vehicle overall.

Brakes Overtime

Watch out for the brakes! Your safety depends on them

Your vehicle’s brakes wear out which reduces its stopping power. This of course diminishes your vehicle’s safety and performance.

Cooling System

Control the engine’s operating temperature for optimal performance.

The cooling system is a system of parts and fluid that work together to control an engine’s operating temperature for optimal performance. We ensure your cooling system is in tiptop shape and proper working order.

Rim Repair and Refinishing

Don’t neglect minor damages

Triple Service Automotive will make certain that your damaged rims will look like brand new. Don’t neglect minor damages as these can advance into more problematic issues in the future.

Accessories and Enhancements

Enhance the enjoyment of your vehicle

We offer an array of products to enhance your enjoyment of your vehicle in terms of its aesthetics and/or functionality.

Exhaust systems

Exhaust systems should be inspected regularly

Exhaust systems should be inspected regularly as leaks can be hazardous and must be fixed immediately. We offer exhaust heat management to reduce the amount of exhaust heat radiated out from the exhaust pipe and components. This is an effective way to protect your exhaust system from wear and tear which will ultimately save you money.

Service Recommendations

= Severe or Safety. The repair should be performed immediately.

= Recommended. The repair should be performed at the earliest convenient date.

= Advise. The condition will be brought to your attention and should be monitored to avoid future problems.

Estimating Process

= Severe or Safety. The repair should be performed immediately.

= Recommended. The repair should be performed at the earliest convenient date.

= Advise. The condition will be brought to your attention and should be monitored to avoid future problems.

Travel safe! Book a check up on your car

Car Safety Week. Take advantage of promotions on many services

Or give us a call:

+1 905 275 3151